Need Vegetarian-Friendly Dishes?

In an ideal situation, a host is well acquainted with their guests. But sometimes it is impossible to know everyone’s food requirements especially in a professional setting or a large reception. When planning an event, party, and/or gathering a host should keep...

Appealing Dinner Party Appetizers

Appetizers do more than keep guests happy until dinner is served. These starters set the tone for the evening by creating a first impression for the event. Whether you are planning the first course for a sit-down meal or a few bites before a buffet, Nameless Catering...

A Burger Bar Bash is Always a Blast

Need a fun, crowd-pleasing meal? How about a burger bar? Nameless Catering helps keep it summer year-round with our classic burgers. Give your guests some extra fun by letting them customize their own burger. Every burger bar from Nameless Catering comes with...

Smoky BBQ Always Wins

Everyone loves a good BBQ! While the guest list is important, the food helps create a fun and memorable atmosphere. Nameless Catering can take your next get together to another level with our full Smoky BBQ meal bar that is sure to impress every guest. We give you...

Feeding Frenzy? We’ve Got You Covered

What if you need a ton of food for 100+ people at the last minute? Feeding such a large group is a challenge that Nameless Catering will accept with gusto. When planning a get-together, especially for a larger crowd, organization, and planning to help make it a...