One Stop Wedding Planning: Nameless Catering is on The Knot

Planning a wedding can evoke all kinds of feelings – everything from excitement and joy to fear and dread. Fortunately in the age of technology, online platforms dedicated to organizing your big day make it a breeze. Arguably one of the most popular, The Knot features...

What to Look for in a Wedding Caterer

The bubbly has been enjoyed and your Facebook friends have had enough time to envy the rock. Congrats! Now it’s time to choose the cater for your big day. But…what exactly goes into hiring the right wedding caterer? Don’t worry – we’ve got you. Narrow the List,...

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Self-Cater Your Wedding

Pop the champagne, you’re changing your last name! After the #ringselfie has been posted and the entire internet knows about your upcoming nuptials, it’s time to get down to business. You and your honey start to price out the big day and *gulp* as things start to add...

Why You Should Cater Your Next Corporate Event

Somehow, you ended up on the party planning committee and have to work with your colleagues to put together the perfect event. Sound like a nightmare straight out of NBC’s “The Office?” That’s probably because it is. No one wants to deal with the office divas about...

How to Choose the Right Corporate Caterer for Your Event

Congrats! You have been asked to complete an important task: choosing the caterer for your next corporate event…and panic ensues. Don’t fret – here are some tips to help you choose the right corporate caterer for your event. Who’s Coming? First things first have...